Kite - flying in pakistan and neighboring india often involves aerial duels in which participants try to bring down each other ' s kites using string coated in a sticky paste of ground - up glass or metal 在巴基斯坦和其邻国放风筝的人常常在天空中"斗"风筝,他们用金属线或者沾满玻璃碎片的风筝线把其他人的风筝从空中击落。
Kite - flying in pakistan and neighboring india often involves aerial duels in which participants try to bring down each other ' s kites using string coated in a sticky paste of ground - up glass or metal 在巴基斯坦和其邻国印度,放风筝的人常常在天空中"斗"风筝,他们用金属线或者沾满玻璃碎片的风筝线把其他人的风筝从空中击落。